Thursday, September 1, 2011

Silly Smoothie Pictures

I took these Tuesday afternoon because:
  1. Why not?
  2. I wanted proof to show the treatment team, group members, and others that I drank a smoothie (chocolate/banana) - a small thing for most but a significant stride for me. 
  3. I could think of little better to do. 
  4. I had a smoothie and a camera at the same time. Only fools squander the gifts of the Fates.  

    The official documentation.
    The first sip. On another note: Should I get those moles checked out?
Yay. Smoothie.

Uh-oh. Look who's drinking a smoothie.

Really becoming aware of the camera now. This will not end well.

Pssst...over here...behind the smoothie.

Smoothie. What fun.

Hard to tell, but that guy is either some sort of Catholic monk or the drummer for a Neo-Medieval metal band.

Nearly finished and fascinated by the Starbucks Siren. Reminded of Odysseus' encounter during his decade-long trip home following the Trojan War. My return home should come sooner than that.

No smoothie experience is complete without the brain freeze.

So, that's that. The smoothie was tasty and I didn't freak out. Next step? Whipped cream? Do I dare?



  1. That must have been a damn good smoothie!

  2. Aye, 'twas. I think they used an ancient Yaqui Indian recipe.

  3. Whipped cream always. When I die, I want to be covered in it :P
